A Case Of The Holiday Shits

Thanksgiving started out really smoothly, like I was surprised and even thought to myself, Holy shit.. this year might be incident free!! Fat chance.

First off, I ate so much while I was cooking.. That I was pretty much full by the time we all sat down for dinner. Second.. We forgot like 5 things and had to send my husband to go get them at the ass crack of dawn. We needed the items before we could put the turkey in, and it had to be in by 9am. Well, what do you know! 1030 rolls around and we a finally getting the bird in the oven. Not too too bad.

My daughter, having a very severe milk allergy, has to have her own special turkey (cornish hen), stuffing, potatoes, and squash. So while i have her little hen in the oven, I grab the rack it’s on and slide it out to baste the thing. What happens? What the HELL happens!? THE ENTIRE RACK FALLS. RIGHT on top of the rolls that were baking underneath it. The juice went everywhere and spilled all over the bottom of the oven, the whole house was FILLED with smoke.. Fortunately the poor little hen was rescued in time and all was well in the land of food and thankfulness.

At the dinner table, I’m assuming you could guess there was inappropriate talk. When is there not, right? These things should be saved for the bathroom and the bedroom. For reals. Or at least wait until I’m finished eating. I would post the comments that were floating around but I am just not in the mood to embarrass myself. Again. Haha.

While we were all at the table (after the lovely comments not meant for dinner time) I was randomly hit by the “I-dont-feel-so-good”s. Everyone else seemed to think it was a serious case of food coma, but I swear i thought i was on deaths door. I ended up going to bed at 530. 530!!!! And got up at 930 the next day. And ONLY because my kids were waking up and crying.

I have Strep. That’s right. STREP. Who the F gets strep on Thanksgiving?! I have been suffering, trying to eat strawberry rhubarb pie and cranberry sauce.. all the wonderful fall foods. IT BURNS. And my antibiotics gave me the shits. I’m so friggin pist right now. Oh well. At least maybe ill lose a pound or two!

So I suppose all in all it was relatively uneventful if you consider past years. I hope you guys all had a fantastic Thanksgiving!

Did you guys have any wonderful and weird happenings? Crazy events? I’d LOVE to hear about them!!!

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