
9 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Me

1. I have this really weird intense fear (creep factor?) of people dressed up in character outfits.. Like the people at Disney World. I ran one of the Color Me Rad 5ks and there was this white balloon guy.. I just can’t.

2. I love kids! I mean.. There’s always that one little ass hat kid, but most of them are awesome! Lol

3. I secretly like getting up early, but I need something to bitch about, soo..

4. Coffee makes me jittery every time I drink it, but I still drink it every day.

5. When I was in the Army I HATED running, but for some odd reason now I really like it. (yeah NOW right?)

6. I feel like one of those sour patch kids in the commercials.. I’m really mean but also nice. Which I honestly don’t like about myself that much. I wish I was only nice sometimes. My poor friends lol

7. I am done having kids, (DONE) but I REALLY want to adopt a baby someday.

8. Peanut butter is actually really gross. And for some reason a LOT of people judge me for that! lol

9. I had the worst postpartum anxiety after my first kid. But I did not know there was such a thing. I was CONSTANTLY worried someone would steal the baby, or my husband would get hit while driving across train tracks. Seriously. He leaves shit everywhere and I have to ask him repeatedly to pick it up. Well we had a canoe and it was propped against the house. Well it rolled over and filled with water one rain storm and it sat right under my daughters window. I didn’t ask him to move it because I figured if someone was going to break in it wouldn’t be through her window! lol