Tag Archive | coffee

9 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Me

1. I have this really weird intense fear (creep factor?) of people dressed up in character outfits.. Like the people at Disney World. I ran one of the Color Me Rad 5ks and there was this white balloon guy.. I just can’t.

2. I love kids! I mean.. There’s always that one little ass hat kid, but most of them are awesome! Lol

3. I secretly like getting up early, but I need something to bitch about, soo..

4. Coffee makes me jittery every time I drink it, but I still drink it every day.

5. When I was in the Army I HATED running, but for some odd reason now I really like it. (yeah NOW right?)

6. I feel like one of those sour patch kids in the commercials.. I’m really mean but also nice. Which I honestly don’t like about myself that much. I wish I was only nice sometimes. My poor friends lol

7. I am done having kids, (DONE) but I REALLY want to adopt a baby someday.

8. Peanut butter is actually really gross. And for some reason a LOT of people judge me for that! lol

9. I had the worst postpartum anxiety after my first kid. But I did not know there was such a thing. I was CONSTANTLY worried someone would steal the baby, or my husband would get hit while driving across train tracks. Seriously. He leaves shit everywhere and I have to ask him repeatedly to pick it up. Well we had a canoe and it was propped against the house. Well it rolled over and filled with water one rain storm and it sat right under my daughters window. I didn’t ask him to move it because I figured if someone was going to break in it wouldn’t be through her window! lol

Coffee Makes Me Poop

Oh my GOD. Whenever I drink coffee, which is every day pretty much, I have to poop SO bad. One of these days I am going to be in the car on an hour long drive (which is really frequent) and I am GOING to shit my pants.

Well I just wanted to share with you that I had a lovely time drinking my coffee and playing words with friends while sitting on the toilet. And yes my daughter was in there with me, of course. Is it bad that moments like those are the most enjoyable (in a relaxing way) part of my day?  Ha. 🙂

Oh and if any of you guys play words with friends I’m ALWAYS looking for more opponents! 🙂